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A cover picture showing ESN Italy's flags collage during the flag parade in the background, and the Incontro Culturale Erasmus logo in the middle
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Goal of the Activity

The main objectives of our Incontro Culturale Erasmus (ICE) are:

  • promoting cultural activities and intercultural understanding;
  • promoting the Italian cultural heritage among international students in order for them to further explore the lifestyle, traditions, landmarks and history of the Country they have decided to study and live in;
  • allowing all participants to become ambassadors of the Italian and European culture back in their hometown, by promoting the Erasmus+ programme and its values. The internationalisation of your own hometown is a pillar of Incontro Culturale Erasmus, together with the improvement of social and practical integration of international students, reintegration of homecoming students and promotion of active citizenship;
  • drawing attention of the participants on a more sustainable lifestyle, providing them with a 4 day metro pass and by choosing accommodations and restaurants which were quite close in walking distance;
  • promoting the Erasmus+ Programme and the European values, especially through communication campaigns, an opening conference and the characteristic Flag Parade in the historical centre of Rome: our goal was to reach out the widest audience possible in order to show the impact of the Erasmus+ Programme on the new generations and the importance of “unity in diversity”, one of the main mottos of our organisation;
  • providing our volunteers with a great opportunity to test themselves on the field, boosting skills such as intercultural competence, project management a teamwork. It was indeed an excellent chance for them to put into practice what they have studied or test themselves with something they are passionate about, and gain hard and soft skills that they can spend on the labour market.

Every year, in Rome, International Students from all over Italy gather to celebrate the European values during Incontro Culturale Erasmus (ICE), ESN Italy’s main event.
ICE is held in November, and consists in four days during which students enjoying their exchange in Italy can discover the cultural beauties of the Eternal City while meeting new friends, thereby fulfilling our mission to enrich society through multiculturality.

The 2023 edition took place from November 9th to November 12th, and during the opening conference, held on the first morning of the event in Sala delle Bandiere at Spazio Europa, we had the chance to talk about the 2024 European Elections, promoting active citizenship and the moral duty to vote we have as young European Citizens, representing the future of our Union.
The main topic of the conference was "Active Citizenship and the European Elections: a road to participation", and had speeches from:

  • Gerlando Sciabica, President of ESN Italy
  • Paola Frassinetti, Undersecretary of State for "Education and Merit"
  • Fabrizio Spada, Responsible for Institutional Relations of the European Parliament's  Italian Office
  • Giulia Silvia Ghia, Counselor for Culture, Education, Sports, and Youth Policies of the I Municipality of Rome
  • Chiara Alonzo, Engage University Local Coordinator
  • Vittorio Gattari, Board Member of the National Youth Council
  • Sara Tagliabracci, Global Mobility Coordinator of Erasmus Student Network AISBL

An afternoon cultural programme and convivial activities during the evening was then organized for the Sections attending the pre-ICE.

On November 10th (Friday), the participating Local Sections arrived in the morning. After meeting with the organising committee in order to notify their presence, they visited the historical centre of Rome during a guided tour, allowing all Students to appreciate the immense historical and artistic heritage of the Eternal City. In the evening, they could keep celebrating multiculturality at Orion Club in Ciampino.

On November 11th (Friday), optional visits to the Vatican Museums, the Markets of Trajan, the Centrale Montemartini, and the Stadium of Domitian were scheduled, featuring some of the most important museums in our capital. These visits were provided at no additional cost, thanks to the sponsorship of the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital.

In the afternoon, the now characteristic Flag Parade took place—an event along a predetermined route starting from Piazza dell'Esquilino and ending at Via dei Fori Imperiali, near the Altare della Patria. During the Flag Parade, international students participating in ICE had the opportunity to celebrate the values of a united Europe and multiculturalism. They displayed the colors and flags of their respective countries, danced, and sang together, showcasing a brotherhood even more important in these challenging times.

In the evening, they had the chance to explore the Capitoline Museums, which were exclusively open for ESN Italy until well past midnight. The students wandered through the historic palaces housing the museum, enjoying a captivating play of lights on artworks that have left their mark not only on our country but on the entire Western society.

Finally, on November 12th (Sunday), in the morning, they had the opportunity for another complimentary visit, this time to the museums of Villa Torlonia and the Ara Pacis, before bidding farewell and returning to their respective cities. Each participant took home cherished memories from this chapter of their Erasmus journey.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals