Online Skills & Employability National Training Event: Let's get (pro)ACTIVE! 09/12/2021 - 12/12/2021 Microsoft Teams The main goal of this activity was to enhance the learning ESN Romania
Health & Well-being Stress management: Stay fresh, stay focused, stay healthy! 09/12/2021 Čakovec , HR - To get familiar with techniques of controlling stress - ESN Čakovec
Social Inclusion Christmas Tandem 09/12/2021 Bari , IT The Linguistic Tandem activity is aimed at the ESN Bari
Culture Kraoke 09/12/2021 Campobasso , IT Having fun while also singing some of the most popular ESN Unimol and 1 other organisation
Environmental Sustainability Trip to Murmansk 09/12/2021 - 13/12/2021 Murmansk , RU To experience the beauty of the north ESN HSE University Moscow
Culture Charity Pub Quiz 2010s 09/12/2021 Zagreb , HR To promote cultural heritage and popular culture ESN Zagreb
Environmental Sustainability Stayin' alive 09/12/2021 Zagreb , HR Goal of the activity is for students to learn some basic ESN Zagreb
Skills & Employability Christmas workshop 1&2 09/12/2021 - 10/12/2021 Split , HR We make Christmas decorations for offices and sales at the ESN Split
Education & Youth Paint a Wall! by ESN Évora 09/12/2021 Évora , PT Paint a Wall ESN Évora and 1 other organisation
Health & Well-being Study lunch: Soup break 09/12/2021 Wageningen , NL To provide members and non-members to possibility to have a ESN Wageningen
Culture Language Cafe 09/12/2021 Çankaya , TR The main goal of the activity is to create intercultural ESN METU
Health & Well-being Skating on Ice - Palavela 09/12/2021 Torino , IT We broutght the Erasmus students in one the biggest ice ESN Torino
Social Inclusion Flamenco show 09/12/2021 Granada , ES Flamenco is a music genre with Moorish and Romani roots, ESN Granada
Culture Erasmus in Schools: İstanbul Anatolian High School 09/12/2021 Bostancı/İstanbul , TR The goal of the activity is to promote Erasmus+ Exchange ESN Marmara