Environmental Sustainability BASIC KNOWLADGE TRANSFER FOR NEWBIES 29/09/2023 Sevilla , ES The goal of the activity was introducing the section to the ESN UPO
Culture Sevilla oldtown tour 28/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Showing the international students one the most turistics ESN Sevilla
Education & Youth Buddy Meeting 27/09/2023 Barcelona , ES The goal of a buddy meeting between a local volunteer and an ESN UAB Barcelona
Culture Tapa´s tour 27/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Get the international students to try three of the most ESN Sevilla
Culture Sagrada Família visit 27/09/2023 Barcelona , ES The main aim of the activity is to show to internacional ESN UAB Barcelona
Health & Well-being Volleyball tournament at Maria Luisa´s park 26/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Meet new people while playing volleyball ESN Sevilla
Environmental Sustainability Running by the Beach 25/09/2023 Barcelona , ES Doing some sport alongside the beach of Barcelona while ESN UPC Barcelona
Culture Language exchange 25/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Getting erasmus students to meet new people and helping ESN Sevilla
Environmental Sustainability International dinner 24/09/2023 Badajoz , ES Sharing gastronomic cultures and encouraging slow food ESN UEx