Culture Bingo party 13/09/2023 Santander , ES To get the international students to know “bingo”, a typical ESN Santander
Social Inclusion Cineforum 12/09/2023 Cáceres , ES Learning about inclusion of all through films. ESN UEx
Culture Flamenco show at carboneria 12/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Introduce international students to flamenco dance and music ESN Sevilla
Culture Welcome Tandem 12/09/2023 Santander , ES That Erasmus could practise languages, learn about ESN Santander and 1 other organisation
Culture Rincon Nazarí 12/09/2023 Badajoz , ES Fun dynamic for the new students to get to know each other ESN UEx
Culture Visit of the "Golden Tower" 11/09/2023 Sevilla , ES Showing the international students one of the main and most ESN Sevilla
Culture City Tour 11/09/2023 Badajoz , ES For the foreign students to get to know the city of Badajoz. ESN UEx
Environmental Sustainability Hike to Artxanda 10/09/2023 Bilbao , ES Making a hike to Artxanda. ESN Bilbao