Provide workshops about sustainability and the small ways in which we can reduce our environmental impact, especially during mobility abroad. And, of course, promote the culture sharing.
The day started by repair garments. With the help of Vintage For A Cause, we repair pieces via creative embroidery and repair socks with ironing technique. Then, for lunch, we prepared a healthy and sustainable meal with the help of Desafio Vegetariano Portugal: for starters, we prepared bread with humus and a Mediterranean salad with vinaigrette. For the main dish, French garlic fritters (pataniscas de alho francês) were prepared with rice and beans and, to accompany, water and lemonade. Finally, it was finished with cream from heaven (natas do céu). To finish the day, we did candles with materials that would go to waste- Glass bottles, used food oil, lids and paper/cardboard.
This activity is part of the project:
Green Erasmus