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Giornata Europea del vicinato
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Goal of the Activity

The aim of the day is to celebrate communities and neighbourhoods, relationships and relations, active participation in civic life, values of solidarity and closeness.


On 31 May, the European Neighbourhood Day was held at Baden Powell Park in Potenza with the presence of the Potenza Capitale dei Giovani technical committee and the Matera 2019 technical committee. An event that saw the involvement of many of the city's young people. It focused on street art with activities such as: Break Dance, Urban Art, skate, bike and music activities.
Every year, the European Neighbourhood Day celebrates communities and neighbourhoods, relationships, active participation in civic life, and the values of solidarity and closeness.
The youngsters all expressed their art, putting themselves to the test in the various activities.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Inclusive Education
Physical Health & Well-Being
Showcase Natural Heritage
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