Online Health & Well-being Meditation Evening 27/01/2021 Google Meet The main goal of the activity was to learn how to use ESN UniBucharest and 2 other organisations
Online Health & Well-being ESN Power Workout 26/01/2021 Discord January is almost over, and you haven't quite managed to put ESN Konstanz
Online Health & Well-being ESN Maastricht city tour 25/01/2021 Introducing Students to ESN maastricht and Showing them the ESN Maastricht
Online Health & Well-being ESN Power Workout 19/01/2021 Discord Be prepared for a 30 minutes high-intense power workout and ESN Konstanz
Online Health & Well-being ESN Power Workout 12/01/2021 Discord It's time to start the new year with new motivation and ESN Konstanz
Online Health & Well-being Workout Online 10/01/2021 Google Meet While we are in quarantine, we don't move our body so ESN IUE
Online Health & Well-being Morning Yoga Practice 10/01/2021 zoom Starting the day by refreshing our minds and bodies. ESN Bahcesehir
Online Health & Well-being Cross-Training Workout 08/01/2021 Google Meet The event promotes well-being and encourages  ESN AUTH and 2 other organisations
Online Health & Well-being Cross-Training Workout 08/01/2021 Google Meet The event promotes well-being and encourages  ESN AUTH and 2 other organisations
Online Health & Well-being Cross-Training Workout 08/01/2021 Google Meet The event promotes well-being and encourages  ESN AUTH and 2 other organisations
Online Health & Well-being Yoga to Soften Your Heart 03/01/2021 Instagram The aim of yoga is to ensure that one finds peace by ESN Ankara University
Online Health & Well-being Zumba by ESN Thessaloniki 30/12/2020 Google Meet Entertainment for Erasmus student and ESNers ESN AUTH and 2 other organisations