Education & Youth Erasmus in School 03/12/2019 Milan , IT Cultural exchange for student of primary school ESN Politecnico Milano
Social Inclusion Dinner in the Dark 03/12/2019 Trieste , IT To raise awareness about disabilities, and to know  ESN Trieste
Environmental Sustainability ESN Pisa meets Legambiente 03/12/2019 - 08/12/2019 Pisa , IT Raising awareness about local sustainable mobility, ESN Pisa
Social Inclusion WORLD AIDS DAY 01/12/2019 Padova , IT World AIDS Day takes place on 1 December each year. It’s an ESN Padova
Social Inclusion Food collection 30/11/2019 Genova , IT Every year the Food Bank collects a total of 8100 tons of ESN GEG Genova
Social Inclusion Blindfolded Aperitif with ESN Florentia 29/11/2019 Firenze , IT The sight is one of the 5 senses that we commonly use the ESN Florentia
Social Inclusion AperiBlind 29/11/2019 Urbino , IT The event aimed to raise people awareness on blindness. ESN Urbino
Social Inclusion Pesto lessons by ESN-GEG Genova 29/11/2019 Genova , IT The goal of the activity was to make Genoa's traditions ESN GEG Genova
Education & Youth Mov'In Europe Conference 28/11/2019 Campobasso , IT To spread the importance of European and International ESN Unimol