Culture Caffè linguistico - (Linguistic Coffee) 26/01/2020 - 22/02/2020 Torino , IT Cultural and linguistic exchange in front of a coffee and ESN Torino
Health & Well-being Volleyball tournament 26/01/2020 Ferrara , IT Played volleyball for an afternoon and did once a healthy ESN Ferrara
Education & Youth Erasmus in Schools 24/01/2020 Bracciano (rm) , IT Introducing Erasmus + project, promotion of our ESN Roma Tre
Culture TANDEM LINGUISTICO 22/01/2020 - 26/02/2020 Bari , IT The Linguistic Tandem activity is aimed at the learning and ESN Bari
Culture 3rd Day_SAE che ricettario - Youthquake 22/01/2020 Camerino , IT The main goal of this activity was the reconstruction ESN AURE Camerino and 1 other organisation
Culture Speak & Spritz 22/01/2020 Brescia , IT Monthly language aperitif, an opportunity for each month to ESN Brescia
Education & Youth Join Erasmus+ with ESN Milano-Bicocca 21/01/2020 - 23/01/2020 Milan , IT The aim of our activity was to help the outgoing students to ESN Milano-Bicocca
Health & Well-being ESN Bocconi @ Campionato Universitario 21/01/2020 - 14/02/2020 Milano , IT Participation of an international student's team (plus ESN ESN Milano Bocconi
Social Inclusion Cooking for Charity 20/01/2020 Sassari , IT This activity is focused to understand the meaning of ESN Sassari