Skills & Employability (Ex)change your life – Language Night Cafe 02/03/2022 Milano , IT the goal was to host a language café in which the main ESN Milano IULM
Environmental Sustainability Visit to the Aquarium of Genoa 02/03/2022 Genova , IT Enable International Students to visit one of Genoa's major ESN GEG Genova
Culture City Game 02/03/2022 Torino , IT The aim of the activity was to challenge the erasmus with ESN Torino
Health & Well-being Bowling night 01/03/2022 Milano , IT Having fun and meeting each other. ESN Milano-Bicocca
Culture Reggio Emilia City Tour 01/03/2022 Reggio Emilia , IT The goal of the activity was to introduce international ESN Modena e Reggio Emilia
Culture Bari City Tour 01/03/2022 Bari , IT Know the city of Bari, his old town, monuments and ESN Bari
Culture ESN Karaoke 01/03/2022 Padova , IT To have newly arrived international students break the ice ESN Padova
Social Inclusion Collection of essential goods for Ukraine 28/02/2022 Macerata , IT The goal is to help the Ukrainian people affected by the war ESN Macerata