Culture Discovering Italy - Milan and Surroundings 25/02/2022 Milan , IT The goal of this episode of the discovering italy was to ESN Politecnico Milano
Health & Well-being Sports Day 25/02/2022 Urbino , IT The aim of this activity was to increase the ability of the ESN Urbino
Online Education & Youth Erasmus days 25/02/2022 - 25/03/2022 Microsoft Teams Promote students Erasmus mobility ESN Insubria
Health & Well-being Beach Volley 25/02/2022 Pisa , IT Our aim was to practice sport all together, taking care of ESN Pisa
Education & Youth Welcome conference and aperitif 25/02/2022 Parma , IT The goal of the activity was to introduce ourselves, but not ESN ASSI Parma and 1 other organisation
Culture Welcome day 2022 (Varese) 25/02/2022 Varese , IT Giving a proper welcome to our new erasmus in Varese ESN Insubria
Education & Youth Your experience in Parma 25/02/2022 Parma , IT Present to the Erasmus students of the second semester the ESN ASSI Parma
Culture Se quei muri - art exhibition 24/02/2022 Bergamo , IT Learn Bergamo's history during WW2 and how women lived that ESN Bergamo
Health & Well-being Volleyball Match 24/02/2022 Napoli , IT Organizing a volleyball match to showcase the gyms in Naples ESN Napoli