Health & Well-being Halloween Witch Hunt 31/10/2024 Darmstadt , DE Celebrate the event of HalloweenOffer a outdoor activity ESN Darmstadt
Culture Harry Potter SitSit 18/10/2024 Darmstadt , DE Experience the finnish culture by participating in the ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being Kegeln 02/10/2024 Darmstadt , DE Provide a activity for the eveningHave social ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN Stammtisch 17/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN goes Bouldering 16/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect studentsshow them a trendy sportintroduce them to ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being Sporty Sunday 15/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE get activeconnect studentsget to know the sport places ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN goes Marburg 14/09/2024 Marburg , DE get to know Marburgcreate new memoriesconnect with new ESN Darmstadt
Culture German Beertasting 13/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect studentslearn about many German breweries and beer ESN Darmstadt
Environmental Sustainability Thrift shopping at Kaufhaus der Gelegenheiten 11/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE show a place where students can find second-hand furniture, ESN Darmstadt