Culture Speedfriending 04/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect studentsgive the students an ice breaker to get to ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN Stammtisch 03/09/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt
Culture Urban Sketching 03/07/2024 Darmstadt , DE get together and outsidesee the city from a new ESN Darmstadt
Culture Stammtisch 02/07/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being Sporty Sunday 30/06/2024 Darmstadt , DE get outside and be activeconnect people ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being ESN goes Uni Sports Badge Challenge 26/06/2024 Darmstadt , DE get to know about the events at Hochschulstadionget to know ESN Darmstadt
Culture Herrngarten Hangout 25/06/2024 Darmstadt , DE get outside get activeconnect with others ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN goes Grube Prinz von Hessen 23/06/2024 Darmstadt , DE get outsideconnect peopleget to know the surroundings of ESN Darmstadt
Culture ESN goes Open-Air Cinema: The Shawshank Redemption 22/06/2024 Darmstadt , DE enjoy the evening together and connect peoplegetting to know ESN Darmstadt