Health & Well-being ESN goes Bouldering 08/05/2024 Darmstadt , DE Get students active and try out a sport they maybe haven't ESN Darmstadt
Culture Stammtisch 07/05/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being Spinal Screening with TK 06/05/2024 Darmstadt , DE check the form, strength and flexibility of your spine ESN Darmstadt
Culture Rhine Rhapsody 03/05/2024 - 05/05/2024 Köln , DE explore Cologneget to know new peopleenjoy the Erasmus vibe ESN Darmstadt
Culture Herrngarten Hangout 02/05/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect Erasmiget outsidebe active ESN Darmstadt
Culture Stammtisch 30/04/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt
Health & Well-being Middle-Rhine-Valley Hike 28/04/2024 Darmstadt , DE explore UNESCO World Heritage and more beautiful sceneryget ESN Darmstadt
Culture Welcome Tournament 27/04/2024 Darmstadt , DE welcome the new Erasmiconnect studentsbe activestrengthen ESN Darmstadt
Culture Stammtisch 23/04/2024 Darmstadt , DE connect peopleshow the Erasmi week by week a different pub ESN Darmstadt