Social Inclusion Let's Talk About Sex, Baby: Interactive lecture and Quiz about HIV 29/11/2019 Osijek , HR Our goal was to raise awareness and destroy stereotypes ESN Osijek
Environmental Sustainability Park cleaning 28/11/2019 Zadar , HR To clean the park from narcotics ESN Zadar
Social Inclusion Invisible Zagreb Tour 28/11/2019 Zagreb , HR The tour was led by former and current homeless people so ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Park Cleaning / SOCIAL INCLUSION DAYS 27/11/2019 Zadar , HR Main goal was to bring the place back to its proper shape. ESN Zadar
Social Inclusion Be Part of the Art 26/11/2019 Zagreb , HR The goal of the activity was to introduce to Erasmus ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Movie night: Working Woman 25/11/2019 Split , HR The goal of this activity was to familiarize students with ESN Split
Social Inclusion Who let the dogs out? 25/11/2019 Dumovec , HR The goal of the activity was to gather together animal ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Free Hugs / SOCIAL INCLUSION DAYS 25/11/2019 Zadar , HR Sharing positivity along the Old Town by giving free hugs. ESN Zadar