Culture Sunset Mingle 24/03/2025 Upcoming Zagreb , HR Providing Erasmus and local students with a relaxed and ESN Zagreb
Culture Trip to Budapest 22/03/2025 - 23/03/2025 Upcoming Budapest , HU Providing Erasmus students with an exciting weekend getaway ESN Zagreb
Culture What's Your Number? Party 21/03/2025 - 22/03/2025 Upcoming Zagreb , HR Every students gets a number and they have to find their ESN Zagreb
Environmental Sustainability Trip to Plitvice Lakes 09/03/2025 Plitvice Lakes , HR Giving Erasmus students the opportunity to explore Croatia’s ESN Zagreb
Culture Hike the Horizon 08/03/2025 Zagreb , HR Offering Erasmus students a chance to explore Zagreb’s ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Flag Party 05/03/2025 Zagreb , HR Celebrating cultural diversity and bring Erasmus students ESN Zagreb
Culture SPEED FRIENDING 04/03/2025 Rijeka , HR The goal of this activity was for Erasmus students to get to ESN Rijeka and 1 other organisation
Culture Photo Hunt 03/03/2025 Zagreb , HR Helping Erasmus students explore Zagreb in a fun and ESN Zagreb
Culture Let's Move Like Fuego 03/03/2025 Zagreb , HR Introducing Erasmus students to the basics of a popular ESN Zagreb