Social Inclusion Game of Senses 03/10/2019 Split , HR The goal of this activity was to put students in the shoes ESN Split
Culture Speed friending with ESN Zadar 02/10/2019 Zadar , HR Introducing erasmus students local students and ESN ESN Zadar
Culture ESN City Tour 01/10/2019 Zadar , HR Visiting culturally relevant locations important in the ESN Zadar
Culture Kontanje with ESN Rijeka 01/10/2019 Rijeka , HR The goal of the activity was to connect international ESN Rijeka
Social Inclusion Forum Theatre 13/05/2019 - 07/06/2019 Split , HR The goal of this activity to spark a conversation about ESN Split
Health & Well-being Sport Week 08/04/2019 - 14/04/2019 Zagreb , HR promote a healthy lifestyle through a variety of sports ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion This is Me in Sign Language - 14th National Platform of ESN Croatia 02/05/2018 - 04/05/2019 Kraljevica , HR The main goal of this activity was to raise awareness about ESN Rijeka and 1 other organisation