
The goal of the activity was to connect international students, ESNers, and locals. ESNers explained the culture and the concept of the student Tuesday that is happening every week in the city of Rijeka. So getting know the culture was the goal that international students get to know the city and local culture.
Hi dear Erasmus people, how was heaven when you left it?
Is your name Wi-fi? Because we are really feeling a connection.
Your name must be Coca Cola, because you're so-da-licious.
We are not a photographer, but we can picture you and us together.
They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth. Well, apparently no one has ever been standing next to you.
Where and when?
Tuesday, 1st of October at 21:00 h
Titov trg (in front of Hotel Continental)
We are going to play a little game with you...
What is going to be your task?
1) While talking and mingling, you will need to learn at least one pick up line from a different country. Try to catch them all.
2) Film yourself while using that pick up line.
3) Publish it on your Instagram story and don't forget to use these hashtags: #ErasmusRi #ESNkontanje
kontanje - eng. to mingle
Let's get ready to *drum roll* ... MINGLE!
Participants get to know each other during the Welcome Week, and learnt new phrases from other countries.