The objective of this talk was to offer reliable information about, sexual orientation and identity, equality, types of relationships, etc.
The activity aimed to raise awareness about the issues of gender violence and gender equality and the gender inequalities we face and to involve international students as well as volunteers and members of the local community in such topics.
The aim of the activity was to foster Gender equality and talk of the importance of women for the development and growing of the mobility programmes
On the occasion of International Women's Day, ESN Palermo is glad to present you – in partnership with ESN Cadíz – our meeting discussion on stereotypes associated with women within some sectors.
Our first chairwoman is Dr. Ambra Gentile (PhD in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences, University of Palermo) who is going to deal with woman's figure beyond stereotypes.
Afterwards, Héctor Robles (Physiotherapist and Sports Educator) is going to lead the discussion by tackling sport sector.
Lastly, Sandhya Cantero (Marketing and Advertising Degree) is going to address a major and current issue concerning sexism in advertising.
Feel free to join us on Instagram ( March 7th at 4 p.m).
We believe in a gender-neutral environment, therefore we expect that our audience would consist of both women and men.
We are open to discussions and looking forward to hearing your opinion!