With the ESN Winter Breakers programme we aimed to have a variety of activities during the winter break, so students staying back could still feel the warmth of home despite being far from it.
Are you staying here during the Winter holidays and wondering what to do? ESN Twente won't leave you behind!❄️ Join and enjoy the holidays with us 🫶
Become part of a buddy group (3-4 people) with whom you can decide to meet up and spend some time together, so no one will be left alone during the holidays😊 We will try to match people up with similar interests, so you can make some new friends and explore places around together! 👥☃️
If you just want to know what’s going on and decide to join any activities spontaneously, join our WhatsApp group ESN Winter Breakers for any updates📱
Sign up here for the buddy groups⬇️: https://forms.gle/7Ar6LJca2VM59aTL7
And join our WhatsApp group for the winter break here⬇️: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LulkNjlRy6Q5T3YJddk4FL