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Students raising hands during a workshop
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Bělá Pod Pradědem
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Goal of the Activity

The goal of our teambuilding was to bring closer the topic of Causes of ESN to our members so they can get a better knowledge and dive into a deeper meaning of our activities. Strengthening the team was also our big goal for the weekend. We put focus on bringing back the topic of the Responsible Party back to our section. During the hike, we were observing our surroundings closely to pick up any leftover litter, however, we were nicely surprised how clean the mountains actually were.


Our teambuilding took place from 6th to 8th August in Bělá pod Prdědem in Jeseníky mountains. We had some icebreaking and teambuilding games to get the team together, know each other better and establish trust among us. We went for a hiking trip to do some sports activities and keep our heads clean, during the hike we intended to pick up the litter along our path, to our surprise, there hasn't been any. After coming back from the hike, we relaxed a bit. Then, our President and Causes Coordinator of ESN CZ, Martin, held a workshop on Causes of ESN and the Structure of ESN. These workshops helped our new members to get a lot of knowledge about ESN and the meaning of our activities, as well as understand the structure and processes happening in ESN. We put an emphasis on recycling and separating the trash and overall, tried to minimise the amount of trash we produced during the weekend. In the evening, we had a long and productive discussion about the future of our section. This teambuilding helped to integrate our new members into the team and strengthen the relationships among older members. The members started to think about our activities in a more Causes of ESN way, and how to make the activities as Causes friendly as possible.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Mental Health & Well-Being
Protecting Nature and Promoting Biodiversity
Post-Mobility Reintegration
Physical Health & Well-Being
Recognition of Skills
Showcase Natural Heritage
Slow and Sustainable Tourism
This activity was organised by: