The aim of this activity was to enable volunteers to recognise gender stereotypes and microaggressions and to take action to stand up against them. More specifically, the volunteers are members of the pool of trainers in ESN Greece and will act as multipliers by delivering workshops, tackling stereotypes and microaggressions that may arise during facilitation and organising activities that
This activity gathered members that are part of the pool of trainers of ESN Greece, with the goal to gather together, exchange best practices about non formal education and equip them with the knowledge and motivation to organise activities in their hometowns, in order to fight gender stereotypes and microaggressions and to facilitate sessions related to the topic in their local sections and at national events.
During the 2 days training event, we explored the definitions of the terms, how these manifest in daily life and in training settings. Furthermore, we discussed about the impact these phenomena have on the individuals and on groups dynamics. Last but not least, we discussed about possible methods and tools to deal with stereotypes and microaggressions and we prepared activities that could be implemented on local or national level in relation to raising awareness and fighting against stereotypes.
This activity is part of the project:
Inclusivity for All, Now!