Section Meeting is a get-together of 6 sections from 4 countries: ESN AGH from Poland, ESN BFI, BOKU and Uni Wien from Austria, ESN Usti from the Czech Republic and ESN BME from Hungary. We meet up once a semester, rotating the organising sections and host cities.
Our main goal is to gather our beloved sections every semester in one of our cities, get to know deeply how their sections work, share knowledge, improve social inclusion, tour around the city in a cultural experience and break the differences between nations of northern central europe.
The Section Meeting is a long going tradition between the sections mentioned above. Every semester we gather around the "round table" to improve on our skills, do workshops and get to know each other and other sections more deeply.
We had the need for a smaller event than CEP EGM and the others, because this way we can more deeply connect with the sections, share amazing practices that would not be possible otherwise.
We always have social activities with a cultural twist, interdinner, usually a local dinner with local food, city tours, team games, DIY workshops.
This is an easier and much cheaper way for the newcommer ESN-ers to get to know international friends, break down the national barriers, have fun and see a city you might not have seen otherwise.
We are a pioneering project, that shows that YES it is possible to do it on our own. Many organisers also go on for bigger projects in the future which is just amazing!
The participants praised the quality of the survival guide, the variety of activities as well as the flexibility of the agenda and highlighted how much they enjoyed partying with the ESN BME mentors. Our members and the guests quickly became friends and are eager to meet again; the participants gave us positive feedback and promised to spread the word about the event within their sections.