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Picture of Mount Giouxtas from high in the sky.
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Icon Location of activity
Ano Archanes
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Causes covered by this activity
Goal of the Activity



We are going on a hiking to the mountain of Giouxtas. We will begin by bus early morning and head to Ano Archanes. From there we will start going up the mount, until we reach the top where we will have our picnic break. After resting we will decent the mountain and reach the village of Ano Archanes. Free time for exploring the beauty of the traditional village. In the afternoon we will take the returning bus.

📆 WHEN? : Sunday 28/5, 8:30

⛳ WHERE? : Central Bus Station

💰 PRICE? : 2.8EURO (w/ student ID) or 3.8EURO (w/o student ID)

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12 Logo of the SDG Goal 13
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Physical Health & Well-Being
Showcase Natural Heritage
Slow and Sustainable Tourism
This activity was organised by: