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Fuorisalone, part of the Milan Design Week, is an international event that showcases the latest trends in design, fashion, and creativity.

Michele organized an event to introduce Erasmus students to Fuorisalone, highlighting its significance as a premier design and cultural event in Milan.The primary goals of this event were to celebrate cultural diversity, inspire creativity, and foster social inclusion among Erasmus students. The tour included stops at key locations such as Statale, Moscova, Brera, and Chinatown, each offering a unique perspective on design and innovation. This event aimed to provide students with a unique cultural experience, allowing them to immerse themselves in the dynamic atmosphere of Milan Design Week. Additionally, the event sought to facilitate social interaction and bonding among international students, helping them to feel more integrated into the diverse community of Milan.


The tour began at Statale, where students explored creative installations in the historic university courtyard, gaining an appreciation for the blend of traditional and contemporary design. The next stop was Moscova, where students experienced contemporary design exhibitions in trendy galleries, highlighting the cutting-edge aspects of the event. In Brera, the artistic heart of Milan, students wandered through stylish boutiques and showrooms, experiencing the district's unique charm and elegance. The tour concluded in Chinatown, where students observed how cultural diversity influences design, providing a rich and varied perspective on global creativity.


Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Boosting Urban Nature
Inclusive Education
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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