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There's a table filled with plates of different dishes from different cultures on the table, faded behind ESN's pink colour. International dinner is written in the middle of the picture.
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Goal of the Activity

Showcasing cultural cuisine heritage.


During our International dinner, which we organize each year we invite our local university students, international students and our section members, to come a showcase their cooking talent, and then share their pre-cooked dishes with each other. During the event everyone has the chance to share their traditional sweets and candies as well. We always try to set the athmosphere with great music, and we just allow everyone to bond over how unique each culture is, share experiences with each other, and find themselves immersing in how beautifully different we are, yet absolutely similar. 

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 12
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Fostering Responsible Consumption
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Mental Health & Well-Being
Showcase Cultural Heritage
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
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