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Kids doing an activity in a school
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The purpose of this event was to interact in english with them and through the exchange students talk about the importance of studying abroad, both for professional life but as well as  growing as a human being.


The event occurred at Escola Dr. Manuel Gomes de Almeida with 2 participants of ESN, it was supposed to be more than 2 participants from ESN but they couldn’t go. From ERASMUS were 2 participants. The main speakers of this event were the two ERASMUS so they could discuss and articulate their experience as exchange students. I organized the event and guided the students to understand the purpose of the event. 

On November 23, 2 sessions were organized, one at 11:45 am, lasting 50 minutes, and another at 1:45 pm with the same duration. The first class was from secondary school and the second from professional. We had lunch around the school to interact more with the students and talk to them in English. The total number of students that we interact with was 60, 30 in each class. 

This event was nice to see and participate and we could notice that was an important interaction for the school students and exchange students. We even got the opinion of one exchange student :

“Erasmus in school has been a very interesting activity promoted by ESN Aveiro, that gave me the opportunity of knowing and talking with many students about my experience here in Portugal. Experiences like Erasmus are something that helps to grow up and open your mind so that’s why I enjoyed talking with the students because, I think, it was important

to make them understand how worth can be to live and study abroad. The day spent in the school has been formative for me too because I could see with my eyes how a Portuguese school is organized and how different it can be from Italy.

So, I can say that it was a great day!

Thank you, Espinho!’’

The highlight of the event I would say was the gift exchange.  We took little gifts for them and they gave us gifts as well. It was a beautiful moment. 

This event I know for sure was impactful for the ERASMUS students and the school students. The plan to implement this event I made directly with one of the teachers of the school and she explained everything to me and I explained it to the exchange students. On the day of the event, we got there early to understand how would work there and to get to know the school. The school even talked about the event in an internal journal that they have. Everything went well and the students loved the visitors.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Promotion of Participation in Student Mobility
This activity was organised by: