- sharing cultures
- raising awareness about various topics
- gaining new skills
- supporting healthy lifestyle
- sharing ideas about more eco-friendly lifestyle
On this year’s celebration of Erasmus Days, we organized a day full of activities for our international students. On Saturday October the 16th, we planned six different activities throughout the whole day, each activity inspired by a different cause of ESN. On behalf of Culture we visited Jurkovičova vila, an important cultural monument of Brno. After the visit, two workshops were held - one about boosting your CV, representing the skills & employability cause, and the other about environmental sustainability and “eco-lifestyle” in Brno. In the afternoon we stretched our bodies on the Run with ESN, to represent the cause of health & wellbeing. For the evening, our members and international students gathered to a café for a social-inclusion themed speed friending. A Language night, where students taught words and phrases from their native languages, finished the busy celebration of Erasmus Days. Through all these activities we presented Causes of ESN to our members and international students and encouraged them to meet new people and gain new skills.