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Students raising hands during a workshop
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Villalar De Los Comuneros
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Goal of the Activity

This activity had two main objectives. On the one hand, (throught the EiS activity) to provide the local shig school students the tools and informationa bout the oportunities that Europe offers them, by realizing an amain Erasus in Schools as well as create a safe space where they can discuss their ideas, thoughts and past experiences with current erasmus students. 

On the other hand, (through the environmental and biodiversity workshop) to make the international students aware of the importance of environmental conservation and diversity, to introduce them to local fauna and flora and to make them collaborate in this process of nature preservation.


In this first Forum that we attended in person, the participation of ESN Valladolid was essential as our volunteers and Erasmus students were responsible for all the activities of the day.

We consider the first part of this forum a large Erasmus in Schools event since three educational entities from the province of Valladolid participated: Colegio de las Teresianas de Valladolid, Alejandría Institute of Tordesillas, the FP center of Medina del Campo, and Cristo Rey, totaling between 110 and 138 adolescents.

This EiS, which lasted an entire day from morning to afternoon, was structured as follows:

  1. Presentation on the importance of volunteering and associationism in the EU (Associationism and Volunteering: How to Improve Your Life with One Decision).
  2. What is ESN? and... The Erasmus Generation?
  3. Activities and games about the European Union (Kahoot, Quiz, Escape Room…)
  4. Presentation on European Mobility Programs: From Erasmus to Future Erasmus.
  5. Presentation and personal experience: Our Erasmus Experience. At the end of this session, a debate and question round took place to provide information about the Erasmus+ Program to both FP and high school participants.

Throughout the day, we had presentations from both ESN Valladolid volunteers and Erasmus students from the University of Valladolid who are currently on mobility in our city. Altogether, we had a total of 15 speakers for about 150 students.

Simultaneously, this forum took place throughout the week within the framework of the joint project with SOLIDEU, allowing us to carry out a more specific activity focused on our Erasmus students. We organized a day trip to Villalar to attend a workshop on building weasel houses and a second activity of planting shrubs and trees in the Grefa work area in Las Pozas de Villalar.

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By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Entrepreneurship & Career Development
Foster Active Citizenship & Volunteering
Foster Europe and European Citizenship
Recognition of Skills
Support Language Learning
This activity was organised by: