Education & Youth How to Survive in Croatia 27/09/2021 Zagreb , HR Give the most important information and help about  ESN Zagreb
Environmental Sustainability ESN Tallinn Wise and Shine Workshop 27/09/2021 Tallinn , EE To raise awareness about plastic consumption and limit ESN Tallinn and 1 other organisation
Social Inclusion Induction Day #1 25/09/2021 Cluj-napoca , RO The main goal of this activity was to integrate the newbies ESN Cluj-Napoca
Culture Members Training 22/09/2021 - 25/11/2021 Brno , CZ Learning new skills in the topic Ensuring higher ESN VUT Brno
Education & Youth Dutch Language Course 22/09/2021 - 15/12/2021 Utrecht , NL Teaching participants the Dutch Language ESN Utrecht
Health & Well-being Club announcements 22/09/2021 Wageningen , NL Club members did an activity with their fellow club members ESN Wageningen
Culture German Language Café 21/09/2021 Siegen , DE The goal was to support the Erasmus students before their ESN Siegen
Skills & Employability Member’s Training 20/09/2021 - 12/12/2021 Brno , CZ Learning new skills Ensuring higher ESN MUNI Brno
Environmental Sustainability Visiting the dog shelter "Pushdomik" at 15th of September 15/09/2021 Saint Petersburg , RU The main goals of the event were assistance in the dog ESN SPbSU
Skills & Employability Committee market 13/09/2021 Wageningen , NL Informing and motivating members to join a committee of ESN ESN Wageningen
Social Inclusion Welcome weeks: Touch of Dutch event 06/09/2021 Nijmegen , NL Inclusion, Learning about Culture, Fun ESN Nijmegen
Culture Hungarian language workshop 03/09/2021 Budapets , HU Learning Hungarian language ESN Corvinus