Culture Multicultural Picnic 28/10/2019 Oviedo , ES Actively promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle ESN Oviedo
Culture International Dinner 21/10/2019 Oviedo , ES Sharing each other culture's traditional food Breaking ESN Oviedo
Culture International Dinner 21/10/2019 Oviedo , ES Breaking stereotypes about regional and national cuisine ESN Oviedo
Health & Well-being Blood Donation 14/10/2019 Oviedo , ES Raise awareness on the importance of donating blood and ESN Oviedo
Social Inclusion Nursing Home Visit 13/09/2019 Oviedo , ES Helping the local nursing home in taking care of the local ESN Oviedo
Environmental Sustainability Eco-Hiking 03/09/2019 Oviedo , ES Cleaning the trash in the local countryside of our city and ESN Oviedo