Social Inclusion Football Match 28/11/2023 Ankara , TR The goal of the activity is to show that women and men can ESN METU
Culture Chill'drens Day 23/04/2022 Çankaya , TR The main goal of the activity was to acknowledge different ESN METU
Social Inclusion Let's Debate! 27/03/2022 Çankaya , TR The main goal of the activity was to provide an inclusive ESN METU
Health & Well-being Volleyball Match 05/01/2022 Keçiören , TR The main goal of the activity was to encourage physical ESN METU and 1 other organisation
Culture Motivational Talks 27/12/2021 Çankaya , TR The main goal of the activity was to improve mental health ESN METU
Culture Language Cafe 09/12/2021 Çankaya , TR The main goal of the activity is to create intercultural ESN METU
Education & Youth SI-quid Game 17/11/2021 Çankaya , TR The main goal of SI-quid Game is to create awareness and ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Party with Glasses 13/03/2021 Discord To teach about METU, Ankara and Turkey To integrate new ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Welcome Event 10/03/2021 Discord To get to know about our new students coming for Erasmus in ESN METU