Online Social Inclusion Language Cafe International Women's Day 08/03/2021 Discord To highlight the importance of Women's Day To raise ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Language Cafe Debate 24/02/2021 Discord To understand the pros and cons of online education ESN METU
Online Culture Find Your Match 14/02/2021 Discord To learn more about Erasmus students' and volunteers' life ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Tell Your Experience Special Edition 01/01/2021 Instagram IGTV To learn the experiences of our alumni and now the President ESN METU and 1 other organisation
Online Culture Red Party 26/12/2020 Discord We celebrated the New Year. Everyone mentioned the ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Tell Your Experience Episode 3 09/12/2020 Instagram IGTV To learn experiences of our former students from other ESN METU
Online Skills & Employability CV Writing Worskhop 07/12/2020 Instagram IGTV To give some tips on CV Writing to our members ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Language Cafe on COVID19 05/12/2020 Google Meet To listen our members' experiences during pandemic and their ESN METU
Online Education & Youth Tell Your Experience Episode 2 03/12/2020 Instagram IGTV To learn experiences of our former students from other ESN METU