The main goal of the activity was to improve mental health & well being. The aim was to express to the participants the story of a Nigerian woman who came to Turkey to establish a career and build a life. The goal of such a expression was to introduce the cultural, social and carerr-wise challanges of a foreigner in Turkey, and the coping mechanism in certain situations, for the participants to emphatise and derive personal outcomes.
The participants were gathered in a venue in Kızılay, the central district of Ankara. The guest of the event, Esther James Pro, attended and presented her life story through visual and verbal means. After her presentation, a workshop took place in which the participants wrote down certain things they were good at / enjoyed doing, not good at / enjoyed doing, good at / didn't enjoy doing, and not good at / didn't enjoy doing. Through this workshop, the ideal lifestyles and careers were approximated for the participants. After this session, an another activity took place in which the participants came up to the front and answered certain quesitons related with the topic of the event and their personal challanges / tough situations, and how they handled them.