Culture Arrosticini day 01/07/2023 L'aquila , IT The goals of the activity were the promotion of the local ESN L'Aquila
Skills & Employability La PR Molisana 30/06/2023 - 02/07/2023 Termoli (cb) , IT To address sensitive topics and foster workshops beneficial ESN Unimol and 9 other organisations
Education & Youth Open air cinema with esn florentia 29/06/2023 Florence , IT We think that the cinema, the so called "seventh art" could ESN Florentia
Environmental Sustainability second hand market 29/06/2023 Trento , IT The goal of the activity was to give the chance to erasmus ESN Trento
Education & Youth Volleyball World Beach Pro Tour - 2023 29/06/2023 - 02/07/2023 Messina , IT The goal of the activity was to foster the communication ESN Messina
Social Inclusion Rainbow Aperitivo 28/06/2023 Trieste , IT The goal of the activity was to raise awareness on the LGBTQ ESN Trieste
Social Inclusion Pride Pic-nic 25/06/2023 L'aquila , IT Making everyone feel included in our society and ESN L'Aquila
Social Inclusion ESN goes to Pride 24/06/2023 Perugia , IT Fight for the rights of LGBTQI+ community ESN Perugia and 1 other organisation
Social Inclusion GAY PRIDE IN CHIETI 24/06/2023 Chieti , IT Be who you are! ESN Chieti Pescara and 1 other organisation