Health & Well-being Fencing 09/03/2020 Osijek , HR The main aim of this event was to encurage local and ESN Osijek
Social Inclusion International Dinner 05/03/2020 - 06/03/2020 Rijeka , HR Bring people together, learn about other cultures and meet ESN Rijeka
Skills & Employability Local Platform of ESN Rijeka 24/01/2020 Rijeka , HR Reach out to old and new members after recruitment, prepare ESN Rijeka
Health & Well-being Visit blind people organisation 18/12/2019 Zadar , HR demonstrating how blind people association works ESN Zadar
Culture Christmas Party & Gift exchange 18/12/2019 Zadar , HR Spreading local holiday culture to international students ESN Zadar
Culture Christmas Party & Gift exchange 18/12/2019 Zadar , HR Spreading local holiday culture to international students ESN Zadar
Social Inclusion Erasmus in Schools: Primary school 17/12/2019 - 19/12/2019 Zagreb , HR The goal of the activity was to bring Erasmus students in ESN Zagreb
Social Inclusion Helping the Poor / SOCIAL INCLUSION DAYS 17/12/2019 Zadar , HR Helping poor people in community and bringing smile to their ESN Zadar