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Members of ESN Rijeka catched in a movement while playing interactive games.
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Causes covered by this activity
Objective / Goal of the activity

Reach out to old and new members after recruitment, prepare human resources for the new semester, show them the capabilities of our network, brainstorm future events that follow our causes


Through sets of workshops and group activities we worked on strengthening the association, strategic planning and implementation of soft skills in volunteer work.

Result of the activity

On the first Local Platform of ESN Rijeka we managed to: succesfully prepare new memebers for the next semester; encourage creativity between members with different perspectives in order to bring us closer together; create a better understanding of each other and break down the walls of mistrust by focusing on better inner communication through fun activites. We have resolved the doubts about the recognition of volunteer work, held an assembly to fill the vacant position of Vice President and passed a new ordinance.

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