The main purpose of the activity was to show that italian territory is full of art and history. Although Verona is very close to Trento, every Italian region has its own culinary culture and we wanted to show our Erasmus students the richness of our country from this point of view. We have the chance to meet other sections of ESN Italy because we organised this trip to Verona with ESN Bergamo and with the help of ESN Verona that showed us the city with an amazing city tour.
We left Trento at 8.30 am and we reached Verona with the train at 9.30 am. After a breakfast together with ESN Bergamo we started to visit the city with ESN Verona at 10.30. After that we visited the Arena, Juliet's house, Piazza Erbe and other important cultural points of the city such as the Teatro Romano and the Arsenale. We visited the city all day long and made some breaks in the typical "osterie" to try local products.