To help LÖSEV, which was established to raise awareness and help children with leukemia by attracting people's attention, to reach more people and collect donations, and also to donate for children with leukemia as an ESN section. To encourage physical activity, make feel that we are together with LÖSEV, and promote "drink more water."
Together with ESN AYBU, we met with LÖSEV (Foundation for Children with Leukemia), with whom we had previously contacted, on a runway in a park in Ankara. We helped the foundation set up a stand in the park for promotion and fundraising purposes. When the participants of the run were completed, we wore the red t-shirts that LÖSEV gifted us. After doing the warm-up exercises together, our run started. We drew attention to the importance of "moving". During the run, citizens in the surrounding area were informed about the purpose of the run and directed to the stand for donations. Thanks to the red t-shirts we wore, we managed to attract more people to our campaign. Also, there were a running competition in which the winner got a prize. Besides running, we wanted to support LÖSEV in order to make a difference in the lives of children. As ESN sections, we also donated to LÖSEV. LÖSEV also gave a certificate of appreciation to each participant for this campaign. Additionally, a "Drink More Water" promotion was made during the run and glass bottles were used for environmental sustainability.