- Stronger team spirit, old relationships
- new personal and professional relationships
- shared knowledge and practices otherwise locked within sections
- the reward for work and motivation for further involvement for our active and new members
Sections of three Brno universities (MUNI, VUT, MENDELU) closely cooperate on some activities for exchange students, on educating and supporting their members, and on the organization of bigger events for both incoming and local students.
We as the local boards are very happy about this cooperation and value it a lot. Because of that we want to connect board members, but also active and new members across sections. There was space for creating new friendships (across Brno United but also in the section), we shared our best practices. The goal was also to arouse and deepen interest about ESN, find potential future board candidates and reward the hard work.
These goals fit into a traditional structure of typical section teambuilding with a schedule full of getting to know each other, games and sports, healthy competitiveness, and educating about the structure and values of ESN.
In the beginning we mixed members from sections - we divided them into teams, to get to know new people.
In these teams, members were preparing food (from breakfast to dinners) or played some competitions. Most of the activities were in the whole group of 36 people to get to know also the whole collective.
We played also board games, tried acro-yoga, had morning warm-ups.
We have named our teambuilding Disco Chata and followed the chosen theme.