To provide exchange students with useful knowledge.
Most of our exchange students study at the Faculty of Agriculture and at the Faculty of Business. With that in mind, we wanted to provide them with meaningful and useful events that would be interesting for students of both faculties so we decided to split Culture Days to two events with first ones main focus to agriculture and zootechnics and second ones main focus to business while both of them are still relevant for everyone.
As a second event related to Culture Days we visited with exchange students the brewery Starobrno. As students of Mendel University who focus on agriculture, they had an unique opportunity to observe and learn how beer is made. It was also a very useful excursion that helped with their studies. Students got to know how important the brewery is to Brno and what part it played in its history. Students also had a chance to learn about recycling of different materials used for packaging in a dedicated part of the brewery.