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Goal of the Activity

Section Meeting is a get-together of 6 sections from 4 countries: ESN AGH from Poland, ESN BFI, BOKU and Uni Wien from Austria, ESN Usti from the Czech Republic and ESN BME from Hungary. We meet up once a semester, rotating the organising sections and host cities.

The pandemic put this tradition on hold and for a long time it was doubtful if it could be revived. Luckily, the sections didn’t forget it, so after a 2-year hiatus the Section Meeting returned in Vienna.

The long-term goal is to rebuild the foundation of this small international event, and in our opinion we took a big step forward this weekend. This means that hopefully the next Section Meeting in Ústí nad Labem will see 20 participants not just from ESN BME but from every section.


Between 11-13. November 2022, it was Budapest’s and ESN BME’s turn to organise the Section Meeting. We focused on the thought that this is the ESN event we can completely tailor to our needs and interests.

The agenda included:

  • 4 workshops: Types of motivation, Burnout in ESN, Conflict management, Teamwork
  • Creative Session
  • International Dinner
  • Section Presentations
  • City Tour
  • Hungarian Dinner
  • Feedback Round

The participants praised the quality of the survival guide, the variety of activities as well as the flexibility of the agenda and highlighted how much they enjoyed partying with the ESN BME mentors. Our members and the guests quickly became friends and are eager to meet again; the participants gave us positive feedback and promised to spread the word about the event within their sections.

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 8 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster Intercultural Dialogue
Recognition of Skills
Showcase Cultural Heritage
This activity was organised by: