The Section meeting is an event that focuses on the exchange of experiences and best practice advice. This year we will be joined by three sections from Austria (ESN Boku Wien, ESN BFI Wien, ESN Uni Wien), one section from Poland (ESN AGH Krakow) and one section from Hungary (ESN BME Budapest). We will also provide a space for a special guest from one German section in Munich to get involved and gain inspiration.
On Friday, after all guests have checked in, there will be a registration and International dinner at the Student Club Cajk, for which we have ordered and prepared traditional Czech food. At the same time our guests will bring traditional refreshments for their countries. This will be followed by ice-breaking games and a knowledge competition based on the Pubquiz principle.
On Saturday morning, the guests will be introduced to the different participating ESN Sections through presentations, followed by a workshop on Event Management focusing mainly on the Causes we strive by Ms. Molnarová, who is our so-called Section Care. Before lunch the guests will still meet for a group photo session, after lunch a group trip to Tisá is planned. After a joint dinner at Replay's, a Tour de Pubs is planned and the evening program will end with free entertainment at the Cajk.
Sunday morning will be spent having breakfast and getting feedbacks from guests. Alternatively, there will be an optional program at the Keys Swimming Pool.