Our main goal is to raise awareness for the matter of Refugees, such an important issue in ou society nowadays.
All the help we can give can make a difference for other people in need, so that's the message we're trying to pass to our community.
Social Inclusion days are going of, but we would not let them go without mark such important matters. So we thought about doing some reflection on how we can include other people in our society..
In order to that, we give you the opportunity to participate in a lecture with Romy Bornscheuer, one of the founders of EFH. The young activist studies medicine and politics and has been working with refugees in different places - from the Syrian border to the Greek sea and European mainland.
EFH is a transnational movement focusing on educating European citizens about migration and asylum, offering refugees a platform to speak up for themselves. Beliving in transnational solidarity want to display the dire situation and human rights violations against refugees and migrants on European soil and sea. EFH main aim is to raise awareness among Europeans about these revolting conditions and encourage them to get active.