Online Education & Youth Erasmus+ and EULiST Mobility at NTUA 19/12/2024 Cisco Webex Raise awareness on Erasmus+ and EULiST (European University ESN NTUA Athens
Online Education & Youth Worlds AIDS Day 01/12/2024 @esneye Instagram The goal of this activity is to bring awareness and ESN-EYE Lodz
Online Environmental Sustainability Sustainable Tourism Guide 29/11/2024 Instagram At first we discussed sustainable tourism with Erasmus ESN UEW Wroclaw
Online Culture Andrzejki - St. Andrew's Day 29/11/2024 Instagram We wanted to show how we celebrate Andrzejki in Poland and ESN UEW Wroclaw
Online Culture Andrzejki (St. Andrew's Eve) 29/11/2024 @esnpwr Instagram Story To introduce participants to the origins of St. Andrew’s Day ESN PWr
Online Education & Youth Join the Charity Drive 28/11/2024 - 01/12/2024 WhatsApp The goal of the campaign is to help people in need after ESN PWr
Online Health & Well-being International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women Campaign 25/11/2024 Instagram Stories Raise people's awareness about the importance of the ESN UC3M
Online Social Inclusion Video 25 Novembre 25/11/2024 @esnlecce The goal of the promotional video for November 25th is to ESN Lecce
Online Social Inclusion Sorella non sei sola - International day for the elimination of violence against women campaign 25/11/2024 @esnpisa Instagram The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness about ESN Pisa
Online Culture International Musician Day 22/11/2024 Instagram Arise the importance of the music in our lifes ESN UC3M
Online Health & Well-being Social Worker's Day 21/11/2024 @esnpwr Instagram Story To acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of social ESN PWr
Online Health & Well-being Social impact run 18/11/2024 - 24/11/2024 strava Raise Funds for ESN Spain: Participants tracked their runs ESN Stockholm