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Learning to coexist with dogs without stress
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Goal of the Activity

Learn how to effectively communicate and coexist with our four-legged friends around the campus


A huge part of our lives in the of University of Ioannina campus, makes us come close and live together with a large number of stray dogs. But how can we effectively communicate and coexist with our four-legged friends? 

We invite you to an open discussion where the following topics will be discussed alongside a presentation: 

- How do dogs communicate and how can we politely communicate with them? 

- How does a dog approach us, and how can we approach or avoid a dog without creating a conflict?

- How do we understand stress in dogs? 

  • - How to avoid the stress escalation by learning to understand the dog? 
  • - The importance of enriched environments and meeting the needs of the dogs. The presentation will be followed by a visit to our enclosure, a practice on politely meeting the dogs and the creation of an enriched environment for them.
    For the latter, we encourage the participants to bring things that can be interesting for the dogs to smell/play with (old clothes, shoes, toys, things used by other dogs etc.), things you don't mind getting destroyed, so that we bring new stimuli and make the enriched environment more exciting for our dogs.

Date: 15/04/2023
Time: 16:00
Meeting Point: ST' Dorms

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 13 Logo of the SDG Goal 15
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Encouraging Wildlife Protection
Mental Health & Well-Being
Protecting Nature and Promoting Biodiversity
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: