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Learn about Developing Youth Voices Againist Racism and Discrimination Event Photo
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Goal of the Activity

The goal of the training was to raise awareness of different forms of discrimination that students may experience and to understand the impact of discrimination on individuals and the wider community. The training provided participants with a space to identify ways to fight against racism and discrimination and empower their voices while using inclusive language. Organized by ESN KAPA, the training aimed to enable young people to find their voice and develop strategies to tackle racism and discrimination through non-formal education.

The day consisted of four workshops with the following titles and aims:

Workshop 1: Psychology Talks Racism Aim: To explore the psychological aspects of racism and its impact on individuals and communities. Objectives:

  • Participants will gain insight into the psychological effects of racism on individuals' mental health and well-being.
  • Participants will understand the mechanisms behind stereotypes, bias, and prejudice.
  • Participants will discuss strategies to promote mental well-being and resilience in the face of racism.


  • Presentation on the psychological impact of racism
  • Small-group discussions on personal experiences and coping mechanisms
  • Role-playing exercises to explore empathy and perspective-taking

Workshop 2: Discrimination x Social Media Aim: To examine the intersection of discrimination and social media and explore ways to promote positive online spaces. Objectives:

  • Participants will analyze the role of social media in perpetuating or challenging discrimination.
  • Participants will explore strategies for combating online hate speech and cyberbullying.
  • Participants will develop skills to promote inclusivity and respectful dialogue in digital spaces.


  • Group discussions on the impact of social media on discrimination and online harassment
  • Case studies and analysis of real-life examples
  • Interactive exercises to develop strategies for countering online discrimination

Workshop 3: Discrimination among Students Aim: To address discrimination and promote inclusivity within educational settings. Objectives:

  • Participants will identify and understand the various forms of discrimination prevalent among students.
  • Participants will explore strategies for creating inclusive and respectful learning environments.
  • Participants will discuss ways to foster empathy and understanding among diverse student populations.


  • Group activities to explore common forms of discrimination in educational settings
  • Role-playing scenarios to practice responding to discriminatory incidents
  • Collaborative discussions on creating inclusive classroom practices

Workshop 4: Discrimination inside the Work Environment Aim: To examine workplace discrimination and empower participants to foster inclusive work environments. Objectives:

  • Participants will analyze the types and consequences of discrimination within work environments.
  • Participants will explore strategies for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.
  • Participants will develop action plans to address discrimination and create positive change within their workplaces.


  • Case studies and group discussions on workplace discrimination
  • Interactive exercises to explore bias and privilege within professional settings
  • Brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for fostering inclusive work environments

By focusing on these workshop themes, objectives, and activities, the training aims to equip participants with knowledge, skills, and strategies to actively challenge and combat racism and discrimination, while empowering their voices as agents of change.


The event comprised of four workshops centered around the themes of discrimination among local and international students, social exclusion, inclusive language, and the creation of a practical guide. These workshops aimed to foster a culture of inclusion, diversity, and raise awareness about the importance of addressing discrimination in all its forms. The participants included ESN volunteers, local students, and facilitators who designed the workshops.

The group of facilitators began working on the workshops two weeks prior, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the event and its expectations. They provided feedback on each other's workshop plans, engaging in discussions to refine the sessions. To achieve the desired outcomes, the sessions incorporated diverse activities, utilizing non-formal education methods.

Promotion for the event commenced in early May, leveraging various social media channels to attract both international and local students, as well as volunteers. The event was also shared within different faculty groups to attract a wider audience of local students.

Each workshop had a profound impact on both local students and ESN volunteers, fostering connections through shared experiences of discrimination and exclusion. By the end of the day, the main objectives were successfully achieved, leaving both participants and facilitators satisfied with the outcomes. Participants left with the personalized guide they had created, eager to share and apply its contents. The workshops not only prompted thought-provoking discussions during the sessions but also inspired participants to continue pondering the ideas and taking action beyond the event. The tangible practical guide served as a valuable resource, enabling participants to apply the tips and knowledge gained during the training to their everyday lives. The participants expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to summarize and personalize the tips, outlining their plans for implementing them in real-life situations

Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 5 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11 Logo of the SDG Goal 16
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Counter Stereotypes & Embrace Cultural Differences
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Gender Equality
Physical Health & Well-Being
Youth Rights and Democratic Participation

This activity is part of the project:

Developing Youth Voices
This activity was organised by: