
Language exchange aimed to present students a possibility to explore and learn different languages by communicating with the native speakers and representatives of the various countries. One more goal of language exchange was to make the learning process as fun and interactive as possible, thus many kinds of games were used in order to reach this goal.
Tere! Привіт! Hej! Hola! Bonjour! გამარჯობა! Ciao! Salam! Salut! ওহে! Merhaba! Aloha! Konnichiwa!👋😄
Do you recognize all of the languages?
How about the rest of the languages in the world?
Join us for a buzzing night and meet new people. Start learning new languages or practice those you already know. Share the beauty of your own language or maybe even make up new ones.
It’s all up to you what you speak this night, any tongue is welcome 😉
❓WHAT: ESN Language Exchange
📍WHERE: Cafe Baltic
🕖WHEN: Thusrday, 19th September , 19:00
Enjoy discounts on food and drinks with your ESNcard at the cafe!💫
Cuio mae!
ESN TalTech IC
*Please note: This event was organised by members of ESN in Tallinn to help you get the most out of your Erasmus life! All ESN events are non-profit and organised by students on a voluntary basis.
**By attending this event you automatically give us permission to take pictures and use them for promotional purposes.