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Karaoke Night
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Causes covered by this activity
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Goal of the Activity

Responsible Party and Karaoke Night


By great demand from the students, we wanted to give them one last karaoke before the end of the semester. Enjoying all this desire for karaoke, we relied on their participation, which, in fact, was even more conspicuous. Even earlier than the other times, around 9.30 p.m., they started singing all the time and did not stop until well after midnight. Even at the end of the event, there were people asking for more karaoke in the following weeks

Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10 Logo of the SDG Goal 11
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Foster LGBTQ+ Rights
Social and Cultural Integration in Local Community
This activity was organised by: