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Bird's eye view of AUTH's gym, including the main building and the outdoors football courts.
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Goal of the Activity

Firstly, we aim to encourage the new Erasmus students to come to the gym and use the university's facilities. 

Secondly, we choose to incorporate Paralympic games, as an opportunity to learn something new, through a fun experience. Trying out games adapted to disabilities such as, blindness, loss of limbs, wheelchair users etc., is great to build our empathy about people with these issues and see how they can still be included in fun activities like sports. 

Through all this, the participants can also get to know each other more and bond. It is a great way to start new friendships in the beginning of the semester.


First, we make a tour in AUTH's gym, both in its indoors and outdoors spaces. We tell the Erasmus students how to register and make sure to inform them about all the facilities, the group lessons and the tournaments they can take part in. After the tour we include sports activities in the gym's outdoors facilities, specifically Paralympic games.


Logo of the SDG Goal 3 Logo of the SDG Goal 4 Logo of the SDG Goal 10
By organising this activity, the organisers want to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals
Diversity and Inclusion of Minority Groups
Foster Experiential Learning (NFE)
Mental Health & Well-Being
Physical Health & Well-Being
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